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Artemy Drozdov
Artemy Drozdov

Python-cheatsheet Documentation High Quality

The full set of format codes supported varies across platforms, because Python calls the platform C library's strftime() function, and platform variations are common. To see the full set of format codes supported on your platform, consult the strftime(3) documentation.

python-cheatsheet Documentation


The NEW Python Cheat Sheet links the documentation, cheat sheets, and key resources available for the most widely used Python packages into one meta-cheatsheet that illustrates the workflow.

Without argument, print the list of available commands. With a command asargument, print help about that command. help pdb displays the fulldocumentation (the docstring of the pdb module). Since the commandargument must be an identifier, help exec must be entered to get help onthe ! command.

Sooner or later you will want to structure your project documentation by having several RST files. The toctree directive allows you to insert other files within a RST file. The reason to use this directive is that RST does not have facilities to interconnect several documents, or split documents into multiple output files. The toctree directive looks like

You can also reference classes, modules, functions, etc that aredocumented using the sphinx autodoc facilites. For example,see the module matplotlib.backend_bases documentation, or theclass LocationEvent, or the methodmpl_connect().

To learn more about adding custom emojis, see Custom emoji.Front matterFront matter is metadata included at the beginning of a Markdown document, precedingthe content. This data can be used by static site generators like Jekyll,Hugo, and many other applications.When you view a Markdown file rendered by GitLab, front matter is displayed as-is,in a box at the top of the document. The HTML content displays after the front matter. To view an example,you can toggle between the source and rendered version of aGitLab documentation file.In GitLab, front matter is used only in Markdown files and wiki pages, not the otherplaces where Markdown formatting is supported. It must be at the very top of the documentand must be between delimiters.The following delimiters are supported:YAML (---):---title: About Front Matterexample: language: yaml---TOML (+++):+++title = "About Front Matter"[example]language = "toml"+++JSON (;;;):;;; "title": "About Front Matter" "example": "language": "json" ;;;Other languages are supported by adding a specifier to any of the existingdelimiters. For example:---php$title = "About Front Matter";$example = array( 'language' => "php",);---Inline diffView this topic in GitLab.With inline diff tags, you can display + additions + or [- deletions -].The wrapping tags can be either curly braces or square brackets:- + addition 1 +- [+ addition 2 +]- - deletion 3 -- [- deletion 4 -]However, you cannot mix the wrapping tags:- + addition +]- [+ addition +- - deletion -]- [- deletion -If your diff includes words in `code` font, make sure to escape each backtick ` with abackslash \. Otherwise the diff highlight does not render correctly:- + Just regular text +- + Text with `backticks` inside +- + Text with escaped \`backticks\` inside +MathVersion historyLaTeX-compatible fencing introduced in GitLab 15.4 with a flag named markdown_dollar_math. Disabled by default. Enabled on fencing generally available in GitLab 15.8. Feature flag markdown_dollar_math removed.View this topic in GitLab.Math written in LaTeX syntax is rendered with KaTeX.KaTeX only supports a subset of LaTeX.This syntax also works for the Asciidoctor :stem: latexmath. For details, seethe Asciidoctor user manual.Math written between dollar signs with backticks ($`...`$) or single dollar signs ($...$)is rendered inline with the text.Math written between double dollar signs ($$...$$) or in a code block withthe language declared as math is rendered on a separate line:This math is inline: $`a^2+b^2=c^2`$.This math is on a separate line:```matha^2+b^2=c^2```This math is on a separate line: $$a^2+b^2=c^2$$This math is on a separate line:$$a^2+b^2=c^2$$This math is inline: $a^2+b^2=c^2$.This math is on a separate line:a^2+b^2=c^2This math is on a separate line: \(a^2+b^2=c^2\)This math is on a separate line:

This article is a collection of mini-guides and API calls that can help you get started with the Arduino Portenta H7 board. You can also visit the documentation product page for more in-depth tutorials.

'; if (startsWith(current_url_path, "/ansible-core/")) msg += 'You are reading documentation for Ansible Core, which contains no plugins except for those in ansible.builtin. For documentation of the Ansible package, go to the latest documentation.'; else if (startsWithOneOf(current_url_path, ["/ansible/latest/", "/ansible/7/"])) /* temp extra banner to advertise AnsibeFest2021 */ banner += extra_banner; msg += 'You are reading the latest (stable) community version of the Ansible documentation. If you are a Red Hat customer, refer to the Ansible Automation Platform Life Cycle page for subscription details.'; else if (startsWith(current_url_path, "/ansible/2.9/")) msg += 'You are reading the latest Red Hat released version of the Ansible documentation. Community users can use this version, or select latest from the version selector to the left for the most recent community version.'; else if (startsWith(current_url_path, "/ansible/devel/")) /* temp extra banner to advertise AnsibleFest2021 */ banner += extra_banner; /* temp banner to advertise survey important = true; msg += 'Please take our Docs survey before December 31 to help us improve Ansible documentation.'; */ msg += 'You are reading the devel version of the Ansible documentation - this version is not guaranteed stable. Use the version selection to the left if you want the latest (stable) released version.'; else msg += 'You are reading an older version of the Ansible documentation. Use the version selection to the left if you want the latest (stable) released version.'; msg += '

This page shows one or more examples of each Ansible command line utility with some common flags added and a link to the full documentation for the command.This page offers a quick reminder of some common use cases only - it may be out of date or incomplete or both.For canonical documentation, follow the links to the CLI pages.

A brief overview of some of the main functions of Sphinxas used in the aiida documentation. View This Page to seehow this page was formatted. This is only a brief outline for moreplease see the Sphinx documentation

You now have a pretty good background on what it takes to format strings in Python. To learn more about properly displaying strings, you can read the Python Formatting Mini-Language documentation as well as How to Pretty-Print Tables in Python and others available on

Python's various format specifiers are documented in an odd and very dense format specification mini-language section within the string module documentation (the string module, not the str class).But using = to make a self-documenting expression isn't mentioned anywhere on that page.You can see some examples in What's new in Python 3.8, but the only other mention of = is in the Lexical Analysis page, which is a very dense page (with few code examples) that describes Python's syntax at a very low level.

The = syntax also doesn't seem to have an official name.I've been calling it a self-documenting expression but that term is only used a single time in the documentation within a header.It sounded pretty good to me, so I'm using it as if it's an official term. ?

There's also g, G, e, E, n, and F types for floating point numbers and c, o, and n types for integers which I haven't shown but which are documented in the format specification mini-language documentation.

The module (usually imported as px) contains functions that can create entire figures at once, and is referred to as Plotly Express or PX. Plotly Express is a built-in part of the plotly library, and is the recommended starting point for creating most common figures. Every Plotly Express function uses graph objects internally and returns a plotly.graph_objects.Figure instance. Throughout the plotly documentation, you will find the Plotly Express way of building figures at the top of any applicable page, followed by a section on how to use graph objects to build similar figures. Any figure created in a single function call with Plotly Express could be created using graph objects alone, but with between 5 and 100 times more code.

The Python 3 official documentation contains a section on xml vulnerabilities. As of the 1st January 2020 Python 2 is no longer supported, however the Python website still contains some legacy documentation. 041b061a72

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