Smart Modular Technologies 16mb Flash Card Driver
Win XP provides native drivers for SRAM and linear flash cards (with attribute only). Unfortunately, again not all brands & models are supported. Our testing so far shows only Intel i-series cards, Smart/Centennial cards and some C1-Tech, PSI, STI cards are supported under Win XP. If you need to read/write the LF cards under Windows, please specify it on the order form. External PC card readers don't support SRAM and linear flash cards. One exception is the CSM OmniDrive USB Pro readers. These OmniDrive read-writers support SRAM and/or Linear Flash cards with and without 2KB attribute. Please click here for more info. Note: Due to current supply chain disruption and memory chip shortage on the market, the pricing below may not be up-to-date and lead time may be long if not in stock! Please email for updated prices and lead time.
Smart Modular Technologies 16mb Flash Card Driver
PSI also supplies the following genuine Intel linear flash cards and mini-flash cards. Only certain sizes and chipset cards are in stock. Depending on inventory, some i-series cards listed below may have a minimum order quantity of 20 cards. If your order is less than 20 cards, the price can be much higher. Please call or e-mail to indicate the quantity sought. The cards below are compatible with Windows driver under 95, 98, Me, 2000 & XP.
Bare Metal DEMO gpt lpi2c pit kpp PWM enc BEE rtwdog sai ewm lpspi dcp enet snvs flexspi src sdcard trng sdcard_fatfs cache edma flexcan tsc gpio usb(HOST, OTG) gpio semc adc csi:CMOS adc_etc elcdif cmp PXP qtmr emwin lpuart(UART2) flexram uCLinux Demo build up of compiling environment Ethernet Compile application UART Make file system image LED GPIO OUT TF card booting/ iamge flashing User key micro SD/TF card driver LCD FrameBuffer USB HOST Tsc resistive touching USB OTG RTC I2C EEPROM FreeRTOS Demo lpi2c Lwip event queue mutex sem, sem_static swtimer tickless generic RT-Thread Demo read and write file system UART testing gpio enet i2c rtc spi LCD/resistive touch screen/emwin testing 350c69d7ab